More languages, more accessibility
English courses with Kate and the Plain Language Academy team continue to expand at Want to study in French? Chantale Audet and Amélie Bourret, from Autrement dit, are soon opening the doors to our French Academy, Clair et Simple. Wish to study plain language in Spanish? Romina Marazzato Sparano, from Language Compass, has set up our Spanish Academy at Join in the learning, choose the language you prefer, and enjoy. Learn to be a strategic plain language planner The first Plain Language as a Strategic Priority Advanced course was a huge success. One student wrote: “Thank you for a fantastic course. This perspective on Plain Language is quite unique. I’ve learnt a lot.’’ Now the course is back for a second offering of advice and practice on how to integrate plain language into your organization through strategic planning. Sarah Slabbert and Nadja Green, Plain Language Institute, SA, bring a wealth of experience and will share it in the course materials, activities and discussions. The course equips you with a portfolio of planning documents and skills to implement plain language in your organizations. You can still join in. Register now. Three easy steps to enrol on Moodle All three academies are running on Moodle. You first need your own Moodle account to register and gain access to courses.
Email [email protected] or your Academy’s contact if you need help. Welcome/Bienvenue Des nouvelles de l’Académie du langage clair et simple Vos documents sont-ils en langage clair et simple ? Autrement dit vous offre la possibilité de participer à un atelier pratique pour le découvrir. Rien de mieux que de vous pratiquer sur vos propres documents pour poser vous-même un diagnostic. Qui est le public visé par votre communication ? Votre objectif est-il clair ? Comment pouvez-vous améliorer la structure de votre document, la façon de l’écrire et sa présentation visuelle ? Assistez à cet atelier pratique pour savoir comment répondre à toutes ces questions ! Titre : Vos documents sont-ils en langage clair et simple ? Atelier pratique pour faire votre propre diagnostic Animation : Amélie Bourret et Chantale Audet, Autrement dit. Coût : Gratuit Quand : Surveillez les fils, LinkedIn, et Facebook pour connaître la date exacte. Pour plus d’information : [email protected] Gracieuseté de Plain Language Academies News from Académie du langage clair et simple Are your documents in plain language? Autrement dit gives you the opportunity to participate in a workshop to find out. Nothing better than practicing on your own documents to make an assessment yourself. Who is the target audience for your documents? Is your purpose clear? How can you improve the structure of your document, the way you write it and its visual presentation? Attend this hands-on workshop to find out how to answer all these questions! Title: Are your documents in plain language? Workshop to make your own assessment Workshop facilitators: Amélie Bourret and Chantale Audet, Autrement dit. Cost: Free When: During the International Plain Language Week in October 10-16, 2021 Watch the Plain Language Academies website, LinkedIn and Facebook for the date. For more information: [email protected] An academy within the Plain Language Academies Welcome/Bienvenidos Noticias sobre la Academia de Lenguaje Claro El programa en español de las Academia de Lenguaje Claro abre este otoño con un curso sobre alfabetización en salud. Como se evidencia ante esta nueva realidad de Covid-19, la alfabetización en salud es ahora más importante que nunca. La falta de comprensión y conocimientos sobre la salud lleva a sufrir consecuencias reales. Nuestra Academia de Lenguaje Claro, EduClaro, se ve fortalecida por la diversidad de perspectivas que aportan estudiantes e instructores provenientes de todo Estados Unidos, América Latina y España. ¡Te invitamos a unirte a nuestros cursos! Mantente actualizado en el sitio web de Plain Language Academies, LinkedIn y Facebook. Romina Marazzato Sparano, [email protected] An academy within the Plain Language Academies News from Academia de Lenguaje Claro The Spanish program at Plain Language Academies is launching this Fall with its Health Literacy course. As we continue to navigate the new Covid-19 reality, health literacy skills are now more important than ever! Without health literacy, people can suffer real consequences. Our Academia de Lenguaje Claro, EduClaro, is strengthened by the diversity of backgrounds and perspectives represented in students and instructors who come from across the United States, Latin America, and Spain. We invite you to join our courses! Watch the Plain Language Academies website, LinkedIn, and Facebook for upcoming info. An academy within the Plain Language Academies Academies team wins PLAIN Innovation Award “The best part of winning the Plain Language Association International Cheryl Stephens Innovation Award was sharing it with the whole Academies team,” said Kate Harrison Whiteside, Academies director. “With the Spanish and French academies coming this fall, more courses offered through Plain Language Institute, SA, and new options, our confidence in having a long-term, positive impact on plain language learning is growing, along with our students.” “Brilliant, Kate! We’re very proud to be part of your team.” Sarah Slabbert and Nadja Green, Plain Language Institute, SA. Find out more on or email [email protected]
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