![]() PlainLanguageAcademies.com Newsletter 23-01 Ready for 2023 The Plain Language Academies team is looking to the future with excitement and energy. Our French Academy, clairetsimple, is offering its first course; the much-anticipated ISO standard is coming; and, the PLAIN 2023 Conference, Connecting Cultures – building bridges with clear communication in Buenos Aries, Argentina, in September. We are constantly identifying new training needs and creating courses to address them. Let us guide you on your 2023 plain language journey. Welcome to l'Académie du langage clair et simple We welcome the first course from our French Academy, with the award-winning plain language advocates and trainers Chantale Audet and Amélie Bourret, autrementdit.ca. The Plain Language Academies are pleased to announce the new clair et simple’s online training course in French on Zoom. The training is entitled Writing Clearly to be Understood on First Reading. Students will learn what health literacy is and how to address and reinforce it with plain language. · For more information and to register on Eventbrite: https://bit.ly/3xyOfHc. · To email the L’Académie du langage clair et simple: [email protected]. · Visit their page on PLA: Académie du langage clair et simple . ********************************************************** Bienvenue à l'Académie du langage clair et simple L’Académie du langage clair et simple est heureuse d’annoncer la tenue d’une formation en ligne en français sur Zoom. La formation est intitulée Rédiger clairement pour être compris à la première lecture. Dans cette formation, vous apprendrez ce qu’est la littératie en santé et verrez comment la prendre en compte et la renforcer avec le langage clair et simple. Cette formation est divisée en quatre parties : · Le contexte d’information d’aujourd’hui · Qu’est-ce que la littératie et la littératie en santé ? · Le langage clair et simple · Les 6 étapes pour écrire en langage clair et simple: volet pratique composé d’exercices La formation est répartie sur 2 journées : · Mardi 25 avril 2023, de 9 h à 11 h 30 · Jeudi 27 avril 2023, de 9 h à 11 h Pour obtenir plus d’information et pour vous y inscrire sur Eventbrite :https://bit.ly/3xyOfHc. Pour contacter l’équipe de l’Académie du langage clair et simple: [email protected] Details are on the PLA website New help creating clear design online Our new course, Clear Digital Design is available now. It’s for non-designers who find themselves needing to make design-related decisions. Annie and Liezl, heyplainjane.com, will help strengthen your clear design skills to prepare you for working on your next project. Find our more from them or email PLA. Register here. Pick the PLA courses that will get you to your destination We are expanding our base of Core and Advanced courses to meet increasing knowledge and skill demands. Check PLA 2023 Calendar to find courses just for you. We are here to help. Get in touch if you have questions. Looking forward to connecting, PLA Team PS Our newsletters will now be posted as blogs. PLA.com Newsletter Blog 23-01 [email protected] Email to unsubscribe
![]() By Romina Marazzato Sparano, LanguageCompass.com Health literacy is defined as the ability to find, understand, and process information to make healthcare decisions. This definition is currently under review. The concern is that success in health communication does not only hinge upon an individual’s ability, but also on the accessibility, clarity, and actionability of health information and services offered. New course Plain Language 2.0 and Health Literacy is coming March 2020. Find out more. A wider understanding of health literacy sees it as a multidimensional construct that enables successful health communication. Health literacy is, then, the set of world and health knowledge, general intelligence and literacy, and social and communication skills that allow an individual to seek, obtain, understand, assess, and apply health information in daily life and health care contexts. This ability is mediated by:
Health communication includes patients, providers, and caregivers, and often takes place in distressing or time-sensitive situations. Plain language has a vital role to play in aligning audiences, providers, and situations to produce better health outcomes. Health care and health information providers have a responsibility to provide information in plain language, that is, in clear and accessible language. This responsibility is also now promoted and even required through laws and regulations that “see” the benefits of plain language. One such regulation is the European Union Clinical Trials Regulation (EU CTR 536/2014) which includes a requirement for the submission of lay summaries to promote trust, partnership, and patient engagement. Another example: US hospitals now face financial penalties for high readmission rates, so they are turning to plain language in an effort to reduce re-hospitalization due to poor communication. In the new March 2020 Academy Advanced course, Plain Language 2.0 and Health Literacy, we will explore health literacy and how it can be improved. Considering text production in the wider context of health communication, we will focus on plain language strategies for clarity and accessibility. We will distinguish between strategies for textuality and strategies for adequacy. Textuality refers to how grammar, cohesion, and coherence create meaning in technical and lay texts. Adequacy refers to how register, style, and design inform the suitability of the text for the purpose and audience at hand. Looking forward to working with you. Romina. Romina is launching the new Academy Advanced course, |
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September 2024