Keep up. Sign up for courses. Join our mailing list September 2024 I love autumn. Changing landscapes. Changing weather. Changing seasons. With all this comes motivation to catch up on what is going on around you. What is happening in plain language? The answer: a lot. The new ISO Plain Language Standard is spreading its reach. AI is moving quickly into all our technology, organizations, and communications. Organizations, particularly government related, are being challenged to meet public demands for transparency. We want to help you. We have courses, videos, and an AI Summit to help you strengthen skills to connect with clients. Get help integrating the new ISO Plain Language Standard For Organizations: The ISO Plain Language Standard: How to make new guidelines work for organizations Online course starts September 26 - December 5, 2024. With Academy instructors Sarah Slabbert and Nadja Green from Plain Language Institute. Certificate for successful completion. Limited enrolment. Register now. Get help writing and editing using Plain Language Standard For writers, editors, content creators (coming this fall) Apply plain language standard guidelines for stronger client connections. Instructors Romina Marazzato Sparano and Kate Harrison Whiteside lead this online course. We'll send you registration details when available. Interested? Email your contact details to [email protected]. New! AI in Writing Virtual Summit: Plain Language Edition Free, invigorating, actionable. Virtual. Nov 14-16. "Embrace AI for life-changing automations, creativity, and insights. Amazing speakers will share tips, tools, and strategies," says host Romina Marazzato Sparano, PLAINLii, PLA, educlaro. An amazing lineup of speakers will share tips, tools, and strategies to help you establish yourself as an indispensable resource for your clients, teams, and readers. Interested? Go to to save a seat. Calling all public communicators Connecting with Citizens and other Stakeholders Enhance your public communication skills with Nicole Watkins Campbell, starting September 19. Sharing years for experience as an employee and a consultant, Nicole with help energize and focus your communication to really connect using plain language. Find out more on blog or by watching our PLAinView Youtube interview. Register now at Coming soon Getting Started with Accessibility Let’s stay connected. Thanks, Kate Kate Harrison Whiteside Plain Language Academies Director and Instructor [email protected] 1-250-521-0454 ISO Supporters
by Nicole Watkins Campbell
Citizens’ trust in their governments is disappearing. Plain language can help bring it back. A researcher has called the gap between Spain’s citizens and their government “an abyss.” A similar problem is happening around the world for many reasons. One reason, however, is that governments don’t communicate well with citizens. In Canada, half of adults cannot read the information their governments write. Half. Governments can rebuild the trust. They must: democracy and peace depend upon it. Plain language can help. By communicating clearly, government show they know who their readers are and that they care about their needs. Readers tend to trust what they can understand. This why marketing writing is so easy to read. It’s also why you should consider learning about plain language: it’s good for your career. Some governments have laws or regulations or policy to require or guide employees to use plain language. The ISO standard 24995 for plain language gives them another tool to build their capacity and improve their communication with citizens and other stakeholders. This course will help municipal, provincial, and federal workers improve their writing or editing for the public, your boss, elected officials, worked in other governments or other departments. It will also be useful to writers or editors who offer services to government clients. Learning goals You will learn to: 1. identify your purpose in writing 2. understand your audiences’ motivations and needs 3. use 10 writing tactics to make your writing more engaging 4. test whether your documents are working for readers I will be available by email any time and by phone or zoom if you get stuck. The self-directed course includes some videos, six marked exercises to test your learning, extra readings if you would like to go deeper, and a final assignment. A certificate is awarded for successful completion. Watch interview on PLA Youtube. Nicole Watkins Campbell Instructor [email protected] |
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September 2024